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Following is the script of my speech I delivered as prepared speech for 'Project 4: how to say it' for toastmasters Competent Communicator track. The objectives of the project was to select right words and sentence structure to communicate my idea.

Speech title: XXXed
Time: 5~7 mins

“Neither my speech tonight is related to a Vin Diesel’s movie, nor its about appreciating or criticizing X-rated films. Neither its about a similar sounding deodorant which claims to attract opposite sex like a magnet, nor its about a local medicated oil for cold or headache relief.

Club President, District Officers, fellow toastmasters, and my dear friend. My speech tonight is about three ‘Xes’, which sooner or later takes over all of our lives. In fact, many of us in this room have already been taken over by it!…. Some of you might have guessed it by now, its the milestone of life, in roman numerals X,X,X or in everydays language, 30’s.

Last month I said goodbye to my crazy 20’s for good. Days preceeding my birthday were literally scary. Everytime I would step infront of a mirror, I would feel I’ve developed a paunch, a typical sign of turning 30s. Although, a measuring tape would say a different version of my waistline story. I would diligently keep a track of how much facewash I was consuming per month just to guestimate the rate of my receding hairline. In fact, I even got an ultra-short haircut just to check that out! This whole 30s affair was turning into a paranoia. I was intimidated and scared. Not to mention, quintessentially unhappy with it.

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I’m back


I’m back…..Finally after 2 years its time to break silence on my blog. I have no better excuse then procrastination for such a long gap. With a revamped and refreshed look, I’ve made a point to come up with a new post every Wednesday.

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Bacon ‘n’ Islam

I guess everyone of us know about swine in Islam—a forbidden creature. It is ‘haraam’ to eat or consume products made out of pig. But the big question is why!?

I don’t know what recently motivated me to put together my own outrages explanation, may be for my own self or may be just for fun. Although I have a feeling that the movie ‘Contagion’ has something to do. Anyways, the good news it I have the first answer-‘Its all because pig is an excellent vector and carrier of diseases!!.’ Sounds a bit off, let me show you how.

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Terrorism and Recession

Well it may sound a bit strange, but it seems terrorists’ world works in the same way as our world does during times of recession. They also loose their jobs as like we normal people do. They also get their funds cut-down and all new projects slashed when there is a economic meltdown.

I dont have any solid ‘market analysis report’ in hand as such. I’m backing it up with an interesting statistics published by the economist on their daily chart. The graph gives the number of people killed by Terrorist activities from 90s till today.

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War: in the name of peace!!

Originally posted on my previous blog page which died in this world of ruthless and pointless hacking (come on! I was even unemployed at that time)… And seriously! this is not even at par with my standards.

Why people fight, why there are wars, someone compassionate transform into a ravenous Lucifer, suddenly a kind soul starts finding joy in bloodsheds and genocides ; Peace and sacrifices no more stands benign?

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